Sunday, March 1, 2020

Travel Memoir

Captain's bLog: 22 weeks.

Please enjoy the following guest post, written by Small Fry as a homeschooling assignment.  

Memoir about my travels

I was always very close to my family. We laughed together, ate together, and did everything together. But now, I'm away from my sister on a trip, and alone with my mom and dad. In four and a bit months of travelling, me, my dad, and my mom have made an even bigger connection.  I feel we got our connection from being forced to be together 24/7 without other family or our friends. We have better communication, and that includes the adults in our house. We no longer fight as much, or snap as much. It is more comfortable to be around each other with all the non-fighting extra-peace going on. I feel we understand each other better and know when we are sad, angry, or uncomfortable. We agreed to do things everyone enjoyed because we recognized when we had left someone's ideas out for too long and realized they were getting upset. For instance, we were going to a lot of museums and churches and not doing things I enjoyed that much like visiting parks. Then mom came up to me and said we should do things I liked more often. We then began doing more park visits and other things I liked.

We began taking better control of our actions to preserve peace. If one of us got mad, we tried to help. We began more snuggles, love, and less conflict. We watch movies together and do not sit far from each other. We spend quality family time together. During the day we are always not far apart and we do lots like seeing sights. When it's later in the day we snuggle up and it’s slow, relaxed, and peaceful. It’s then we are close and comfortable. We spend our time together best in the evening.

I like knowing there is love between us. We were going to the Salvidor Dali museum and instead of whining and complaining, I tried to get something good out of it, something I enjoyed. I got, in return for trying to find something good in the art, impressive abstract art which was interesting. He had an interesting take on art.

This will change me forever. It will make me aware of the way I act. I feel it will help me know when to help my family. I want to be careful of what I do or say from now on. When we get home, I hope to make the connection with my sister. I also hope to retain that connection with my family forever.

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