Or maybe even small.
And I'm, you know, not.
Seems that, while I'd had the presence of mind to share custody of a pair of Nomex with someone more or less my own height, I had never really considered whether there was any difference in our respective, er, circumferences - and let's just say that I've multiplied my diameter by a whole lot more pie than my esteemed coworker has. And I was leaving town in just a few short hours...
*ring ring*
"Marks Work WearHouse, Garrett speaking. Can I help you?"
"Hi, Garrett. I'm interested in purchasing some of your Ladies' Nomex."
"We certainly have some in stock, ma'am, would you like me to put some aside for you until you can make it in to the store?"
"Yes, please. May I have the tummy control panel and built-in shelf bra option, please? Oh, and I look so much better in green, it really sets off my skin tone, let's just do a nice fern or jade instead of that godawful blue for a change."
"... ..."
"I can tell by your silence that you're having trouble with the green - it's okay, I know you menfolk have difficulty with colour words, really it's a small price to pay for being straight don't you think? Honestly, anything but chartreuse is fine. Don't be shy. Use your discretion."
"Ma'am, I don't - I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Did you just request a tummy control panel?"
"Why, yes, it's a bit of a trouble spot for me, you know, and..."
"I'm sorry ma'am, nothing like that exists."
"Why - why, that's terrible, Garrett! What on earth kind of options do you have?"
"We carry both the 'Shapeless Lump' and the 'Saggy Crotch' models, in sizes from 'Room for Three' to 'Pinch the Tip Before You Roll 'Em On'. Blue is standard on all models."
"Well, I'm terribly disappointed in your selection, Garrett, but I'm in a bit of a rush so I don't really have time to comparison shop. It's much like a first marriage that way. Can I at least get some of those excellent slits on the sides, so when I try to put anything in my pocket it actually just falls straight into my boot?"
"Yes, ma'am, that's another of our fabulous standard features."
"Great, thanks. I'll swing by to pick them up shortly."
Sadly, Big Bill remains a field virgin. But really, it's best that I have my own pair now - it's unspeakably rude to pee on someone else's sleeve.