There are a lot of things in life I would like to know. Not enough to do any legwork over it, but sortof in a vague, "it's fun to think about it" sense. Some items in question:
- Why no stripedy dogs?
- Where do babies get their intestinal flora?
- Why do spiders always crawl into my roasting pan to die?
- How do teeth grow in? (And don't go saying gravity, because at least half of them grow up.) Or do they not 'grow' at all, but instead precipitate stalactite-style out of the rivers of snot and saliva that children exude?
- What is it about the Y chromosome that precludes correct execution of the act of laundry?
Ah, yes - the heart of the matter.
I'm not just talking the occasional red-sock-in-the-whites-load here. That can happen to anyone. No, men exhibit a
special kind of ineptitude when it comes to laundry. As a public service, and to assuage my own irritation, I'm going to explain some common laundry mistakes here today:
- Agitation is the means by which the machine washes your clothes - no shaky, no washy.
Handy hint #1: It's a washing machine, not a suitcase. If you have to sit on the lid to get it to close, it is too full. Remove half the contents and try again.
- Try breathing through a single layer of fabric. Now try breathing through four hundred. Note the increased resistance. The dryer notices, too.
Hint #2: Remove the lint more than once a year to ensure maximum performance. (For advice regarding acceptable clothing density in the dryer, refer to Hint #1.)
- Bras have a series of teensy little hooks on the backs which serve to secure the bra around the torso. Those hooks are why you never got laid in high school, and also why every single sweater you own looks like it's been run through a herd of angry kittens.
Hint #3: Doing the hooks up will reduce their destructive power, and placing the bra in the little mesh bag that lives on top the dryer (yes, that
is why it's called a laundry bag, good for you!) will completely disarm it.
- It is called hang-drying, with hang here used in the same relaxed sense it is in the phrase "hang out". Recall that "hanging out" is a very passive, mellow activity.
Hint #4: If you find yourself stretching garments to their full extent and violently binding them to the rack, you are channeling the wrong kind of "hang". Get out your thesaurus and start over.
- The wind speed in the basement in zero, thus the clothing cannot actually be blown from the drying rack.
Hint #5: If you
must use clothespins, consider your placement carefully - no one wants to go to work looking like they started their day with 12V to the nipples.
That's it for your lesson today, I hope you've found it helpful. Be sure to tune in next week for more hot topics, like "How to Tell When the Garbage Bin is Full".