So I've been working on this concept lately that I've taken to calling the anti-résumé. I think it came out of sheer hatred of LinkedIn and all its nonsense and posturing. Wouldn't we rather be real for a change? Like, really real? Maybe painfully real??
Enter the anti-résumé. Think of it as a place to document all your failures and failings, to be handed around freely and discussed at will. It would be nicely formatted and spell-checked, obv. Updated regularly, say annually, or as needed to capture any spectacular new fiascos you've managed to accomplish (uncomplish?) since the last update. And I know regular résumés tend to stick mainly to worky stuff but I envision the anti-résumé really blurring the boundaries between the personal and professional, 'cause isn't that like half the problem in the first place? This would also give it a broad applicability not achieved by a regular résumé - you could include it in job applications and your online dating profile. Honestly, I think it would be liberating to do things this way - just rip that band-aid right off, get the dealbreakers out of the way now rather than a couple of kids and a mortgage into things. (Or for the younger folks out there, a dog and a two-year lease agreement.)
Speaking of which, I haven't fully fleshed out how to include any salient external feedback - just build it right into your bullet points? That would really speak to ownership of your own bullshit, but on the other hand a separate friends/family/colleagues/etc. quotes section might pack more editorial punch. Do you think the "references" should be people who will happily smack talk you? Or maybe a more traditional "references" section would be better, complete with pers. comm's and literature cited... either way you'll definitely need an Appendix or two to include any documentation, because if you fucked up big enough to make the paper it's 100% gotta be in your anti-résumé.
I'm still polishing mine up - having a bit of trouble with the verb agreement TBH - but in the spirit of really-realness I'll give you some highlights to tide you over until the finished product is ready:
- Easily distracted by more interesting tasks.
- Chronic procrastinator-slash-workplace adrenaline junkie.
- Conflates oversharing with emotional intimacy.
- Thoroughly convinced of my own genius and unwilling to take conflicting evidence into consideration.
- Elevated cholesterol.
Feel free to use as inspo for your own anti-résumé, but definitely don't limit yourself to my examples - make your failure flavour fully your own!
Successful implementation of the anti-résumé will obviously rely heavily on individual self-evaluation and honesty, but for workplace applications I think it will also require prospective employers to be fully open about the limitations of their organizations. Given my nearly 30 years of employment and subcontracting experience, plus (let's be honest) probably a titch of bullet point #4 above, I've got a few ideas on this topic as well:
- Old boys club galore.
- Pays poorly.
- We have no idea what we're doing.
- Will shove work down your throat like we're planning to eat your liver on crackers for Christmas.
- Shitty coffee.
Again with the verb agreement, but you get the gist. If both parties believe they can deal with the other's crap, well then you've got a deal! Let's share a toast to the start of a beautiful decent hopefully mutually not-terribly-disagreeable relationship. Santé!
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