The past year has been a big one for milestones around these parts: my company turned 5, DH and I celebrated 15 years together, I
turned 40, my kids reached milestone birthdays of their own, Medium Fry
started university, and as if to tie a bow on the already bumper year,
this week marks Frecklicious' 10th anniversary - and this, my 300th
post. 300! Who knew I had so much to say? (Yes, that was a joke - we all know I can't stop talking.)
Talking about talking... you know what it's like when someone is planning a wedding and every conversation you have with them for like the entire year leading up to it has to revolve around seating arrangements, floral arrangements, "colours" and so on? (Heaven forbid they're doing an extended engagement 'cause then you have to hear about it for two years!) Well, I am currently planning a seven-month tour of Europe and although I'm really, really trying not to be all wedding-y about it, it is just so dang exciting (to me) that details of the trip keep bursting out of my mouth (to you) despite my best intentions. The worst part is that I've been planning it for four years so it's been like the extendedest engagement ever - ick!
So, yeah, couple of housekeeping items to address here: One, my sincere apologies to anyone whose wedding rambles I've ever rolled my eyes at. I get it now. (Sortof.) And two, more apologies to everyone who has had to listen to me vacation ramble for the past four years.
Actually, while we're here I might as well throw in a preemptive apology for the next few months before we fly away 'cause I'm prolly not going to magically become able to contain myself at this point.
What I can promise you, though, is that this will not suddenly become a "travel blog" and I very solemnly swear to never cause you to retch up your lunch by referring to myself as a "travel writer." I think there's no way to avoid acknowledging the context of traveling
when I'm telling my little stories here, but I'm envisioning it being more
about the monkeys than the circus, if you know what I mean. Previous experience suggests that no matter where we are I will find ways to embarrass myself, DH will find ways for me to (lovingly!) make fun of him, and Small Fry will continue to be a source of comedic relief and consternation, all of which I consider fair game for Frecklicious. (Medium Fry will be staying home to attend school while the rest of us travel, but who knows - she may guest star on occasion.)
I suspect an extended family trip will unlock parts of our personalities that we don't even know exist - like how DH used to believe he was laid-back before he had children. I'm excited and, honestly, not a small amount of nervous about the things we will learn about ourselves and each other, but I'm confident it will make for some ridiculous stories. Thank you for stopping by these past 10 years, and stay tuned for the next ones!